
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down [B]


06-08-2014, 05:00 PM

The bird felt the wolf nudge at his back, a strange feeling for him but he knew that wolves did things in different ways than birds did. He was really starting to like his wolf, and for once in his life he didn't feel like leaving this being and being alone. He looked up at the wolf to see that her ears had stuck to her skull and he flattened his head against her leg. B found that he really didn't like to see this pretty Twig sad, not at all.

She smiled at him, making the bird give out a happy coo. A happy Twig is what he liked to see, yes yes! Very happy! She would nod, and then tell him that they needed to get the rabbits to the sick. B nodded like she had, fluttering up onto her back and making sure to not sink his claws into her back. He hopped up to her shoulder blades, folding his underside on top of his feet. He was properly balanced and ready to go. "Go horse Twig, go!" He called jokingly, peaking softly at her neck. This was going to be a fun ride!