
Restless Stroll



04-24-2013, 09:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She thought for a moment as he rose to his paws that he had taken her words into consideration, that he intended to set off with her toward the Glaciem territory so that they could sleep soundly and safely inside of a protected boundary. So naturally she followed suit, rising swiftly to her own feet and giving her body a quick shake to rid it of clinging snows as she turned her head and set it in the direction of the pack's lands. It wasn't so very far, just a little trek. They could be there soon, with little time lost from the journey. Mercianne's lips curved into a timid smile as she considered it and set her attention back on Awaken expectantly.

He, however, seemed to be plagued by something new. Her smile quickly fell once he began speaking of something that felt off, something that didn't sit well with him. That something was telling him no. No...what? she wanted to ask but didn't, thinking the words instead. No that they shouldn't leave? No that they shouldn't stay? No on some other subject he had yet to bring to light? The way he glanced around made her nervous, and she followed his green eyes, trying to see into the dark foliage around them for anything telling, but it was all quiet, all shadows and darkness. Made anxious by Awaken's behavior, she lowered herself into a half crouch, her ears beginning to tuck themselves against her skull in worry. It only made it worse when he stepped before her defensively, as if shielding her from something that she could not see. Torn between praying that it was all in his head so that the danger wasn't real and praying that it was so it meant he wasn't crazy, Merci gave a whispered whimper, shuddering slightly.

The quiet was broken completely by a wolf as they leaped into view, aiming themselves directly toward Awaken. Mercianne had only enough time to half stifle a yelp as the creature made his jump, closing her eyes so tightly and so quickly that she hardly even saw him as he came into sight. The attack had not been meant for her, but she ducked anyway, crouching as low to the cold, snowy ground as she could until she heard the body of the wolf land somewhere off to her side. Eyes opening widely, she scrambled back and away from the two figures as Awaken attacked the downed wolf, grabbing his shoulder with an unexpected force and flinging him away. She distanced herself from the fight, tucked herself close to the shrubs, in an attempt to disappear, to make herself as invisible as she could so no one turned on her. Her heart raced maddeningly in her chest, her mind struggling to come to grips with what she was seeing. Someone had attacked them. Someone had attacked Awaken. And he had attacked back. Not just defensively, but even when the other had fallen. Was he even in his right mind anymore? Was he safe to be around? And the stranger, what of him? Who was to say he wasn't dangerous too, more so? Brother?

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]