
The joy discord can bring


06-05-2014, 08:22 PM

Pandora had already started her small journey towards an unknown placed piece of thorn-free branches when the other girl had given a protesting answer. Her right front paw had been between rising and falling, hanging in midair as she turned the same ear back in the stranger's direction. She scoffed herself and slowly move her head through the nearest briars to meet the girl's gaze again. This time, she had a hint of mirth in her one eye as she looked at how the wind gently pushed her fur across her slender frame. The gold accents of Pandora's fur - both front and back - shimmered in the light as she softly answered, "Of course. Why bring you so far without looking out for your well being?"
Again, Pandora didn't wait for her to answer. She lowered the frozen paw in midair and felt the firmness of the cool earth make contact. Such a feeling made Pandora's skin prickle from the touch. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she progressively walked and crawled through the twisted and dangerous bristles. Curvaceous as she was, it helped her all the more to avoid the burrs that were potentially able to stick to her smoothed down fur. It was something Pandora didn't want and she was ready to ensure her vanity remained intact. Ears remained attentive as she listened for the entrance of the girl into the brush.

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