
The joy discord can bring


06-05-2014, 08:50 PM

Like her partner, Pandora's mind was slowly coming up with questions of its own. Instead of having a whirlwind of them, however, they rose into blackness like the letters from the Caterpillar's smoking pipe. After a few seconds, they would dissipate into that blackness and perhaps reappear later. Pandora's mood was chilled like the cold air around them, but her body heat only made it that more enticing. She hoped that such thoughts would not be rejected.
When she heard the girl slip into the brush behind her, she couldn't help but feel excited. Words didn't have to be said and explanations didn't have to be used, either. She was elated that such enticement came from little words, and her mother's silence made sense to her then. Pandora's eyes twinkled as she felt the warmth of the other's body not too far behind her own. Aside from her litter mates, immediate family, and Talvi's short presence, she hadn't been near anyone else...and it felt great.
The vane girl was sure that her newfound ally could see the back of her head and she twitched the golden ears for entertainment. They shimmered in the bleak sun that shined upon them and she felt the warmth of its rays sink into her skin. Words weren't exchanged until Pandora saw the shady break of the bush that she was needing so badly. "Not too far now." Excitement bubbled in her chest and swept through the rest of her slender frame. She was ready for a good stretch.
Her gold-dipped paws reached the outskirts of the shaded and secluded circle and she pushed herself through the rest of the branches. Once she was free, she took a few steps forward and shook herself all over. Her fur fell back into its proper place as she looked over her shoulder to see if the girl had made it in one piece as well.

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