
The joy discord can bring


06-05-2014, 09:59 PM

Her eyes glistened and twinkled with the restless curiosity and desire to feel the girl's strawberry-toned fur. Excitement ran through her body like electricity and she was sure that her newfound companion would be shocked by a mere touch. Slowly, she took the two steps that separated them and a relaxed smile that matched her eyes appeared on her face. "I always come through with my promises." Her Romanian accent lightly hit the right words as she gave a hint of a toothy smile.
Pandora's nose then lightly touched the girl's left cheek as she started looking for the burrs that had tried to hide in the thick fur. She found one on the girl's neck and her teeth lightly clenched to the skin that had been pricked by the sticker. Taking her time, she pulled and tugged in various directions to get the burr free from the fur. If she pulled too hard and her companion squeaked, she would tenderly lick the area before attempting again. After a couple of minutes, Pandora was able to get rid of the sticker. She flung it into the nearby brush and groomed the fur that had been messed up. Teeth and saliva worked together to smooth the piece of pelt that was standing on all ends and pretty soon, it was as if nothing had been there.
Pandora advanced to the other side of her neck, but nothing was noted in that part of the fur. She continued to scan and look for other burs that possibly hid within the thick pelt, nose gently moving like a metal detector across her sides, spine, and lower back. Pandora took her time, making sure that she covered the necessary parts of fur that were the most important. When she came across one, the same ritual was carried out like it had been for the first sticker she had found. Tenderness and a gentle silence was what followed each discovery and pretty soon, Pandora had reached her tail.
A burr had found itself on the end of the girl's tail and Pandora didn't waste any time getting it unstuck. The thickness of her companion's tail was different than the rest of her frame and that made Pandora want to chomp down as if it were a piece of meat. However, she knew better and refrained from doing such a thing. The fluffiness of it made Pandora's nose tingle as she worked on the last burr. Her own plumage swept behind her, showing off the gold zebra stripes that graced her hind legs. The burr was then set free and she looked up to glance at the girl's turned face. "I think I got all of them...They weren't hard to find and set free..."

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