
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


06-06-2014, 12:12 AM

Vi stood easily and listened as the woman listed her various skills and Vi couldn't help but smile, it seemed she really was a woman of many talents. She threw in a random helpful skill at the end and Vi chuckled easily. "You seem multi talented? I could defiantly use a woman of your skills here?" She purred easily, pushing her should to Cru as if demanding that he turn his attention back to her. She didn't like sharing him, but she wouldn't show it at this current point in time. "But we won't need you as a sex toy? Not just yet. But if you would like? I would like someone with your variety of skills on our council. You would help with everything and anything. You would also be called together with the rest of the council when decisions need to be made for the pack?" Was she really asking this? For a moment she stunned herself even as she spoke. But what was the council really? Only Scorpion and Sibelle really knew what it was about. And only Sibelle in full detail. What would it hurt to see if this woman would fit in with her devious little schemes.