
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
06-06-2014, 01:43 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

No sooner had Bane's paws released their grip on her hips Tahlia followed him to the soft, leaf covered ground, sinking to her stomach. Her deep gold eyes were closed and an ear turned toward her husband, listening not only to the sounds of their ragged breathing and a whine from her mate but also the echoes in her body of the pleasure he had brought her. Not even she was sure where her sudden insatiable desire had come from but there was no question that he had sated it, leaving her breathless as she had asked. And she was sure not to forget it, especially with the familiar sting at her neck where he had held her tight and purposeful. Another mark on her, the second of its kind. How noticeable would it be?

He spoke up and her ear twitched, listening to his suggestion of pups with a mixture of feelings. Oh, how she did long to give him more children, as many as she could while she still had the strength and swiftness to keep up with them. It had always been her dream to have a large family and being with Bane had not changed those sentiments in the least. If anything, they had been strengthened, but though she wished for more she was unsure if now would have been the best time. They were homeless, even if their dens beside the river were comfortable. Not now, she thought to herself as she smiled in response to his laughter, finally cracking her eyes open to peer sidelong at him beside her. But later, possibly, if their fortune could turn around, she was eager to reconsider her opinion on the matter.

A kiss was placed behind her ear, eyes blinking with a lazy slowness, and the quiet suggestion made that they clean themselves in the river. Tahlia almost laughed - still breathless herself she was unsure if he even had the strength to make that move - but the implications returning as they were was enough to make her see the sense in his words. The last thing she wished to do was spark the curiosity of her children. And it was really about time that they returned to them; poor Anais, she did not want to scare the girl away from helping her or one day having pups of her own if Kailos and Lior were proving to be difficult in any way. With a slight wince - her bloody neck smarted at the movement - Tahlia pulled herself to her paws and followed after her grey husband at a more sedate pace, up and over the ridge, past her flower's blue petals, and toward the river.

Bane was already in the river by the time she arrived, and without pausing to test it she waded in for a second time that day. It was cool as she remembered, bringing her around quickly from the somewhat dazed, drowsy state Bane had left her in, and though it stung at first it eased the pain of her neck almost to the point of numbing it. Sighing happily, feeling cleansed and presentable to return to their children, she stepped further into the water and crouched, ducking her head beneath its churning surface to enjoy the feel and sound of it as it rushed past the whole of her. Standing upright again, her head again above water, she took in a fresh breath of air, shaking the water from her face as she cast a smiling glance at her husband. "I miss having a lake to swim in," she remarked absently. But at least she had her family together again. "Do you suppose we are presentable now?"