
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy



06-06-2014, 12:50 PM

Archaic scoffed at her own humor. He would have to prove himself then? Archaic was more than up to the challenge. He rolled his neck, his shoulders, surreptitiously showing off the rich chocolate of his mane, hoping his dapples would catch in the glowing sunset light. "Judge away, brighteyes," he said, allowing a hint of arrogant baritone to slip in. She posed him a question then that actually forced him to pause, to think. He wouldn't want to be dishonest, after all. "Oh, plenty has caught my attention," he allowed. "Like groveling before some dour, dark-eyed wolf who's rank has been jacked up just because of who his mommy was. Or forced hunts, or pandering elders you're supposed to respect for some godsforsaken reason. No, I'd rather spend my time with wolves worth the effort, thanks all the same." He allowed his gaze to drift from her strong frame, her single ear, taking note that Sibelle had more than likely seen the worse side of what life had to offer. But she was still there, still brimming life and able to take a joke. It piqued his interest. "So, where ya from?" Perhaps there was a band around here worth it's fleas. It would surprise him, of course, but hey. Life was wily, and he'd be damned if he didn't keep pace.

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