
Ellis x Imonde


06-06-2014, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2014, 08:34 PM by Svanerna.)
Name: Tyrion

Gender: Male

Number: -- i kinda made my own design.. if thats not ok ill pick a number and redo the app

Description: The man would grow to be a tall but slightly skinny wolf. Due to his lack of sight the man gets rare excersize beyond walking. He can not see where he is going, therefore if he went on a run, he would likely run into a tree or something. His legs would be skinny and his muscles would be light. His fur would be thin as his adult pelt grew in. But, he would not be unhealthy. The man would always be healthy and very much alive looking. Though, the one haunting feature on him would be his glossed over eyes. They were a a grass-green color with a silver gloss over them. There is a significant lack of pupil, showing in fact he is blind. But, his fur would be delightful. There would be a lovely mix of earthy tones to match his lovely eyes. His base color would be a deep brown. Along his back would be a darker brown mixed with a ticked layer of black. But, along his chin to the under bits of his tail would be a shade of dark tan which would adorn his legs as well. The man is a creature to see due to his lovely colors, yet he would never be able to see them himself.

Personality: The man would be interesting to say the least. He would grow up to learn to deal with his lack of sight. There would be a significant love for medicine due to his mother. Though, he would never be able to see what he was doing, he would have to learn by scent, touch, and taste. The boy loved to experiment, but at times it would turn bad. Tasting the wrong berry could end up in belly problems or more! But, he would learn his away around things and end up being quite the good medic, for being blind. He would be quite quiet most of the time, but if he really trusts someone he does not shut up! The man can be shy or playful, depending on what happens and who he is with. He uses his senses of scent and hearing to make up for his lack of sight. You could often see him sitting and just listening to everything around him. The boy is sweet to an extent but has some bad trust issues that causes him to be quite distant. There is a lot more to him then meets the eye.

As he grows up he will turn to be a little more thoughtful. He will remember everything. He will memorize all. He will become quite the charmer with his words, but he will still be light aligned on the outside, but resent everyone that can see. He will be everyone's friend, learn all he can learn. Get people to help him. He will turn into a bit of a manipulator, to compensate for his lack of site, which will rarely even phase him in the long run. *this will develop with age and play*

Brief Plans: spend time with his mommy. be a little to adventurous for his own good. not really know why hes blind, thinks everyone is blind at first.

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