
frumpy butts


06-07-2014, 07:48 AM

His mind was brewing with plans. His dreams would dark with the assault he would lay upon Arcanum. He would become their living nightmare. Perhaps before they attacked him and his Nephele, he would have tried to reason with them- for his land. He may have tried to explain why it belonged to them- but the fools had brought this on themselves. He would challenge every Arcanum wolf for their life, until he won his land- or he died trying. No god could help them now, they were slated for death. His ears would prick, from their flattened position on his head to hear Nephele's words, and he would growl in approval. Her salmon tongue kissed against his lips, and he'd turn his head into her jaws, feeling her affection- her love for him. A girlish giggle echoed around them, and she'd nip at his lip. 'Dear brother, we will rule.'

He shifted so that his body could press into hers, his paw extending closer to her, and his head lowering to rest on his other. "I'll find you a crown fitting for a Queen, my dear. Perhaps one made of gold or of bone?" he muttered into the darkness. He blinked, and sighed. "We must train relentlessly. Today was an embarrassment to our name." He said, his tone serious. He wasn't embarrassed with her, or himself- rather the lack in their skills. They should have slaughtered the wolves that attacked them.
