
I'm your falling star returning



6 Years
06-07-2014, 07:58 AM

"That's some imagination you've got there." Clearly Azalea's thoughts were not ones that Kismet enjoyed the thought of. "And how do you think he could have achieved that?" She cocked him a look. "How would you feel about him if he had welcomed you into his pack and played the ideal father card?" No, she didn't think they were easy to brain wash, at least not now that they were a year old and testing her sanity.

When she commented on Alamea it seemed that she would again get a cold-shoulder. "Well you had vanished when they left." Azalea made an "ugh" noise.

Azalea tried to make clear that she did, in fact, love both her sons. She was still new at this, she still didn't know how to be a good mother. Azalea, right about now, was actually wondering how things would go if she just became a recluse and didn't talk to anyone. At least that way she couldn't say something to piss her children off. Come to think of it, this was going about like a conversation between her and her father would go.

"Fine he can exist." Kismet's granting of life to Isardis was really not that important. No one could change the past. "But he might as well not in my mind." Azalea was talking, explaining to him how she saw it that day she had left. He said nothing. "Isardis has wanted to bring Valhalla pain for a long while now and in those first months of raising you two I lived in a happy world where Isardis couldn't touch you. It pushed me past the breaking point to have him so easily take you away. He wanted to cause Valhalla, me, pain. And he did." Azalea's eyes shown with real emotion, remembering how grossly attached she had become to her pups so quickly. It was like having half of her heart cut away when Artemis told them that Kismet and Soren were property of Isardis.

She could never tell them what she had told Roman. She didn't love them when they were born. She learned to love them after that and damn did she love them. That four letter L word was not one that Azalea tended to throw around and she had said it a lot lately.

Azalea was trying her damnedest to pin things together and make their fucked up little family work. This was probably the normal of what could be expected when you had never even considered the possibility of having a mate or kids. The longer those words had to settle the more they became and real and true. She was a mother and she had children. She also had a mate and was pregnant... again.

"Of course," was Kismet's response to the plan of working as a family to bring Soren back from whatever dark place he was in. He tone was flat though and Azalea questioned how he really felt about it. She didn't push it though and as she brought up Sarak a trend of two word sentences would continue though now Kis did seem happy or at least okay with the arrangement.

Azalea had always been a bombshell herself so when she stunned the boy with the fact that he was going to be a big brother. "Great?" Well, at least it wasn't a lecture on how she had hardly gotten her sons back and now was moving on in life. Or something to that effect. His response was confusing though, Azalea tipped her head. "It's all very... exciting." Hey, at least she half believed that.

Was she happy to hold Sarak as her one and only? Yes. Was she happy to once again go through the hell of being fat eventually have to labor again? Hell no. Was it better this time, not as horrifying a truth? Yes, because these puppies were conspired out of mutual affection not a deep rooted hate and need to hurt others.

Was she glad to have her sons back? Yes. Was she oh so glad to be a mother and deal with motherly things? Nope. Azalea felt that a few more conversations with Soren and Kismet and she would have to be committed. Given that there was no way out of the whole parenting business Azalea considered a visit to Erani to request she make a containment area for her once she completely went off her rocker.