
I'm your falling star returning



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2014, 09:19 AM

Perhaps things would have been a little different if he had been good to them, actually paid them attention and given them a taste of the life as an Armada child in Glaciem. None of that had happened though, somewhere along the line they'd found themselves simply as lowly prisoners trapped within the pack and torn from their family and home. All Kismet could see now were the negatives and he honestly didn't view himself ever thinking of Isardis in a fonder light, no the king would simply have to make do with his brainwashed kids for that one.

"But he didn't." Kismet responded simply. "He sent one of his minions to break apart our pack and home and then tore us from our family. That is not an ideal father." The moment he had begun his plan to have Artemis take Valhalla was the moment that he'd lost hope of ever having Kismet as a son and likely Soren too.

Though some of his comments perhaps seemed to contradict it, Kismet knew that his mother loved he and Soren, not that he'd really felt much love in his so far short life. The love of a mother was one that he could always recall having though, it was what had fuelled his worry when she was missing and had made it so easy to forgive her. He had the love of a son and whilst perhaps his mother may have made some mistakes, she was the only one he had.

There were certainly feelings of hatred harboured towards Isardis that Azalea undoubtedly shared with her sons. He had certainly experienced some of this pain that Isardis wished upon Valhalla and had learnt more of the prisoners and the siege that Glaciem had started. He wouldn't comment upon that though in fact he would remain silent as he looked at his mother's face. There still really wasn't much to say on the matter, but that heartbreak shown in her expression was certainly enough for the boy to step forwards and nuzzle his mother in comfort. He was here now, he might not stay here forever but in heart there was nothing that could tear him from his family.

Kismet just still had no idea how to react to the news, it certainly seemed unlikely to be the lecture though. She would elaborate further upon the matter, convey some of her emotions though Kismet wasn't entirely convinced. He knew not of course of his mother's feelings before he and Soren were born, and nor would never know the annoyances of being pregnant and giving birth and having never actually seen someone either pregnant or in labour he was far from having any idea that it was mostly this his mother was dreading. "Are you sure?" He would question. "You don't sound too convinced."