
treat me like a lady


06-08-2014, 08:30 AM

The elongated babe was still stretched out upon the cavern floor, her eyes dancing from light to light. She could do this for hours- just the beauty of it was all so overwhelming and hypnotizing. But suddenly, a gentle gust of wind from the outside brought her an unfamiliar aroma. Was another one of her pulled in to experience this beauty? Her chin slowly lifted and she pulled her ears forward. The sliding and thumping sound was already too loud. Just as the woman was near to standing, a large figure approached her from the side. And he was getting quite close to her. Suddenly he tripped over her and fell, a young man. The tricolor babe could not make out exactly what he looked like and what his expression was- but by the sound in his voice, he sounded embarrassed. The woman slowly pushed herself onto the support of her four slender paws, her smile fading and being replaced with a smirk. He began to throw apologizes at her, over and over. It was as if he was pleading not to die and have his skin turned into a new cape. As he finished, a soft chuckle unfolded from her chest, and she shook her head slowly. Had he not known she was only a year old?

The sandy-hued babe sucked in a cool breath and smiled warmly. But it disappeared as soon as it came as her maw split into two. "Hey, it's fine. You don't need to freak out." She would hum softly to the anxious boy, tail tip flicking lightly at the ground. The babe hoped this would reassure the man- she wasn't going to kill him. Nobody would do that just because he/she was accidently stepped on. Paws would carry herself over to him, emerald green eyes running up and down his frame. Looked like a normal wolf; but one thing that was different was that he had small orange half-circles beneath both his eyes. She liked them. Wren circled the boy slowly with a smile still played upon her lips. Finally, she addressed herself. "I'm Wren though." She paused in front of him and sat down upon her rear gently. "Who might my new friend be?" The tricolored woman stared into his gentle liquid-gold eyes, taking them in and soundlessly complementing they're look.
