
Thrown Back and Forth


08-16-2014, 12:25 PM

The male was kind, more of a gentlemanly type it seemed by how he presented himself and spoke. It seemed too that they were of like minds, not so quick to jump into a fight simply for stumbling across each other. Destruction could recall bits of those old days, mainly from the hallucinations and fragments of her past that came to her during her time infected with the epidemic. Finding someone who was willing to just share a bit of company was nice as well, especially when she was recovering after she had lost everything she thought she had. In the end she thought she was left alone... Just as that voice told her when she was sick.

But something within the dark woman told her to keep pressing on. A little longer... Things were going to get better and she was going to be pulled out of the dark rut she had fallen into. So she pressed on, trying her best to wear a smile. They had, truthfully. Reuniting with her god family was the start of that, and perhaps things could keep getting better. Destruction knew one thing for certain, if nothing else; she was a survivor. She fought to keep living, to keep moving forward. It didn?t matter what life threw at her... She would change. She would evolve. She would survive.

Destruction would tip her head gratefully to the male, the smile brightening. "You are quite kind, sir. It all very appreciated, believe me." The dark woman would make her way over, settling herself down upon the ground. Single eye was focused upon the other, gaze shining. "My name is Destruction, by the way. Though I am a woman who no longer lives up to such a namesake." She would give a soft chuckle. It was a reminder of her past, but not a burden of what she had to be. No. She wrote her own destiny. "What might your name be, if you would be so kind as to give it?"