
I'm not sick, but I'm not well [epidemic meeting]


06-07-2014, 11:34 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2014, 11:41 AM by Liberty.)

A short period of time would pass before the next Glaciem member would arrive. Kyarst, the son of Sendoa and Isardis, would stroll onto the scene with urgency, worry spread across his features as he greeted them one by one. Liberty would nod silently to him, deciding to stay quiet until the majority of the pack was present. The next to show was Drashiel, another child of Isardis, and with him was a bundle of what she assumed were herbs and shrubs he had picked up on the way here. He would be quick to hand them over to Eris, and Liberty would nod a simple greeting to him before turning her azure gaze elsewhere.

Audits would perk to the sound of pounding steps across the earth, a sound vaguely familiar to her from her time in Valhalla- the sound of hoof steps. Was the horse from Valhalla near by? And if she was... why? The overseer would wait a few moments, her feline companion Ramses pulling himself closer to her as they waited for the beast to arrive. The ebony beast would trot toward the group with ease, and Liberty's eyes would instantly fall upon the limp bloodied figure that lay across its back. Sin? The horse would speak, and Liberty would do all she could to keep her outward appearance unchanged. They weren't the only pack with the plague, Valhalla had it too, which not only meant it was spreading across the continent, but Azalea was at risk now too. What was happening to Alacritis? Were they all doomed?

Talvi would arrive around the same time the horse had, along with the queen Sendoa, whom was spitting bile accusations and accusing them all of treason yet again. Was this sickness really effecting the queen that way, or was she simply going mad? Liberty couldn't help but almost roll her eyes, if she had the reins she would lock the queen up until she was completely free of the plague. Why couldn't she stay locked away like Isardis? Before she could speak to Sendoa Athena and Eris both would address the issue, and so Liberty would seal her lips and simply observe. She couldn't imagine that Sendoa would take anything plant like they would try to give her, since they were plotting her demise and all.

Her head would turn as an unfamiliar scent wafted across her nostrils, a woman drenched in the musk of another pack and disease. Audits would perk to catch every word this woman said, the overseers eyes widening as she realized another pack was doomed with the plague too. It was spreading faster than she had hoped it would, and now she was beginning to doubt her hopes to find a cure. Another unfamiliar woman would arrive, speaking to Athena and calling her sister, and offering to stay and join the pack to help. Liberty knew Athena would not deny her sister, which meant they would have another healthy set of paws to help them put a stop to this illness. The babe would chose to remain silent, waiting to see what Athena would say next, which she hoped was some sort of plan.


ooc: no talking, just observing cx