
I'm your falling star returning



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2014, 02:26 PM

Her words were certainly the way that Kismet felt about things, his expression broke into another smile all the same. Never once had he felt out of place in the Adravendi family and the Armada's hadn't exactly made he and Soren ever feel welcomed. He may not have chosen his name, though old enough now that he could have made the choice, Kismet certainly wasn't about too change it, he was proud to be an Adravendi. "Good to know." He responded, the confirmation wasn't really needed though all the same it wasn't a bad thing to hear after all he'd been through.

To be honest Kismet had never actually even been around a pregnant woman, he knew nothing of the changes they could go through and perhaps would have felt a little worried had he any idea what was soon going to be happening to his mother. Sure he'd seen her a little angry at times, the temper of a mother scolding her child though never had he ever actually seen her fully moody or pissed off, in fact the closest he'd come to a real temper had been the brief moment that Liberty had threatened him in Glaciem, perhaps if he wished to see his mother angry that was something to bring up though he certainly didn't plan on sharing that bit of information.

His own worries would now start to kick in a little as she spoke of being moody and certainly was thankful that she didn't go too in depth on the subject of their birth. Not sure he wanted any more information at all on matters of pregnancy the boy would keep his mouth shut in hopes of avoiding the matter. Perhaps it'd be better to come in prepared but he simply made a mental note of the fact he'd probably have to help Sarak hunt for Azalea now as well. He had kept Soren eating in Glaciem, though whether he'd still need to hunt for his brother he wasn't entirely certain.

"Sort of, I remember the island a lot better" Too young to explore at the time he'd never had the chance to venture around his old home. He certainly hadn't realised that those lands now belonged to Valhalla once more nor did he have any idea that he was rather close to the den that Azalea was speaking of. The journey to the island was rather fuzzy to be honest, his memories of life before that trip were definitely a little vague.

It did seem a rather odd concept to him, talking to your stomach and as he briefly eyed his mother's form he found he wasn't entirely certain that he would feel tempted to join her in conversations with the unborn children. If he couldn't remember the earlier moments of his life clearly he certainly couldn't recall his life in the womb, no his siblings wouldn't miss him much if he failed to talk to them now. Perhaps it was some other strange pregnancy trait like that moodiness and hunger.