
I dreamt of Paradise

Gargoyle I


04-25-2013, 05:27 AM


In silence, Gargoyle listened to what was said. His face was unreadable - no sadness or pity or even anger was discernible. But he stowed the name and rough appearance of the rogue male down for later. In time (so as not to embarress Keki) the pack would be informed of such a wolf - to stay on the look out. If ever he and Gargoyle chanced to meet... well there would be more than words. But revenge and bloodshed were not things to be spoken of over a cradle. And truthfully, from Gargoyle's viewpoint he could shrug it off as unfortunate but 'ah well, these things sometimes happen'. Perhaps it was his rougher days showing though, but he was what he was.

Yet even if he wasn't quick to pronounce any malice towards this unknown male, he was quick to gain Keki's understanding that the stranger had no rights upon the children.

"A father is the one who stays, the one who cares, protects and teaches. Whoever this wolf was, he might be their sire, but he is not their father. Though the pups may share his blood, never let them feel bound to him in any way." It was a necessary distinction, and one that told Keki that her babies would never be blamed for the crime that had created them. As Gargoyle had said, they were family now.

"If they should ever need a male to look upon as a father" the Chief added, "I would be honored if you would allow it to be me." Gargoyle was most sincere. "As I am the closest male relative you have, I would be happy to help you - with hunting, guarding, raising, whatever you need - please do not hesitate to tell me." Creator Above knew he wasn't perfect. But once he'd been, and so he hoped to be again.

All these pups seemed to be bringing out the best in him. And that reminded the brute. "Ocena has only just given birth to a litter of my own children, and Crusade, who has been expecting to Cifer, is due any day now. You would be happier, Keki, and your babies safer, if you would consider moving them to the pack cave." As Alpha, Gargoyle had the authority to order her to do such, but no hint of command entered his tone. Keki was a smart gal and a loving soul, and Gargoyle guessed her to be willing to face her fears for the sake of her pups. "I know it may be hard," he said in a softer voice, "But the point of having family is to let them help you through the tougher times."


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~