
treat me like a lady


06-08-2014, 12:10 AM

The sun was going down, and nothing but darkness swept over the land within a fleet second as it seemed. Darkness was swallowing the once beautiful, bright land, and the tricolored babe was growing curious. Surely this mysterious land did not just show flawlessly in the daytime, and end at the fall of the sun each night. There must be something to lighten her in the darkness. To allow her to bloom within the frightening shadows of dusk. And there was. As the sun was descending it's way behind the gently sloping hills of the land, Wren hid herself away into a dark cavern, emerald eyes full of curiosity. She wondered if this place had any secrets...anything to please her. Or maybe it was just a normal cave that was crawling with bugs and sharp rocks.

Wren splayed her toes out slowly as stone found it's way beneath her, causing shivers to run up her limbs as the icy temperature filtered through her small body. It was cold...almost a death-like cold one feels when freezing to death. That freezing shiver that runs up a spine, grabbing and clawing at the brain and soon- making it shut down. The woman moaned to herself softly and shook her head. She managed find her focus again and continue on her stroll through the cavern. --- Eyes scanned the cavern, up and down, side to side. And so far, nothing had impressed her. The babe also wasn't going to lie- it was a bit creepy in here. What if someone lived here, waiting and counting the seconds he or she would wait until it came out to slaughter her. Wren lowered her head slowly and stared at the pitch black floor. Would this cavern go on forever...?

Suddenly, an almost azure-looking light casted itself upon the woman. Gaping, she spun around, searching frantically for the source of the light. But it wasn't long until she realized it came from above. She threw her head up and examined through the light--...a mushroom. No, two. Three. Spreading their light like stars in the night. A smile stretched her inky black lips, eyes filling with happiness. More lights flickered around her from the sides and top of the cavern. This indeed impressed her. They were like little suns, bringing light to her dark. It was all so beautiful. Wren slowly lowered in the sapphire light radiating off the glowshrooms, tail folding at her side neatly. She crossed her black forearms across her chest and rested her chin gently on her ankles, eyelids lowering to take up only half the sight in her eyes. The babe could fall asleep in the light of these little stars. But for now...she would rest. Think. Debate to herself.
