
Without You [Blu]


04-25-2013, 08:55 AM
A feeling of warmth spread throughout his body as he looked at his Blu. A feeling of possessiveness washed over him, he?d have to make sure everyone was aware, that she was his. He stretched his muzzle towards her, and gently licked the side of her face, letting out a gentle but rumbling growl. As she threw her head to call one of the high ranking members of Valhalla, he drew himself up to a sitting position to sit beside her, and he nervously watched for whoever would arrive. He let the sound of her call wash over him and reveled in the sound of her sweet voice.

He looked at her when she spoke about mothering his pups, and a deep chuckle escaped his jaws. Blu would make a lovely mother, and one day soon he wanted to be the father of those pups. Maybe the next time her heat cycle rolled around, they?d be ready for it. Maybe. Affectionately, the brute bumped his head against her body, and took in her scent. He just couldn?t get enough of her. The time that had lapsed between them was just too much. He looked forward to hearing the words of her acceptance and going forth with her to find them a den. Then he wanted to curl up next to her, and sleep for an eternity, he knew he?d be nightmare free as long as she was there. She was his light. His only reason to keep on living. She was his.