
treat me like a lady


06-08-2014, 05:32 PM

The male would right himself, the girl responding to his clumsiness in a rather polite and kind manner. He would find himself blushing, the heat burning through his cheeks as he tried to compose himself after the embarrassing mishap. She would smile at him before starting to circle him, and his eyes would follow, warm amber eyes trained on her as she made her circuit. She would tell him her name, and it was different yet unique to him. Wren. It was certainly different then his family, for they were all named after something significant. She would sit before him, requesting the name of her new "friend." So he was her friend? But he didn't even know her! Perhaps this female was nicer then he thought...

"Again, I apologize for my clumsiness. My name is Story Destruction, healer, traveler, caretaker, enjoyer of life. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wren." He would smile warmly to her, teeth flashing in a surreal glow from the light reflected off the walls and mushrooms. He too would take a seat upon the cool floor, eyes wandering about their surroundings. This place certainly was quite strange, and it both enthralled and sent shivers down his spine. "What a strange place this is, eh?"
