
✘ open fire.



7 Years
06-08-2014, 05:54 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

A loud exhale expressed over the chilled air, a cold yet impossibly warm flow of fog curled up from the snow, as if a dragon spilled his breath over the frozen hills, sizzling snow beneath the frosted curls rising from the half-hidden nostrils the color of ebony, a low bellow followed the curling misty breath that disappeared into the frozen air. Ebony nostrils forced more oxygen from his lungs as he slept. Half immersed in the snow bank beneath him, laying in a tightened position, at least tight enough as his thick body would allow, the beast of a wolf lied in sleep, folded into the snow as if he were a part of the earth.

Every once in a while a bellow of a growl flew from his lungs, expressing into the frigid air in a large cloud of misty curls, his throat collapsing then to swallow back what he refused to let go, his deep sleep engrossing his physical form, allowing his thick, matted and wild obsidian coat to shield him from the weather. The snow had stopped falling earlier that afternoon, covering the lying brute in a thin layer of camouflage. Nothing but the occasional growl and heavy exhale of breath giving him away to the world. Snow stuck to the brutes ebony colored hue, painting him into the landscape as his chest rose and fell with his deep sleep. Lips would curl and twitch as a dream overtook his mind, frozen dusted hue formed a small lump in the almost perfect terrain, snow filled the earth's surface with a speak and fresh handprint from the God's.