



7 Years
06-08-2014, 06:12 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

She could see nothing, feel nothing but the painful, burning sting of her eye. The sounds of her own whining and whimpering were almost enough to drown out the sounds of Bane as he tried to speak calmly to her, and in her inattention she missed the strain within his voice, just how much he had been rattled too despite his good sense to act rather than be overwhelmed. A piece of a tree limb was set within her jaws and though she was beyond comprehending its purpose she bit anyway, finding a slim sense of relief in the simple action of having something to set her teeth to though it did nothing to lessen the pain.

Tahlia breathed deeply, still tensed and wriggling slightly beneath Bane though between the two of them she managed to be still enough for him to do what was necessary. It hurt, so much it hurt, and she grit her teeth around the branch she had been given until at last he stopped and let her be for a brief moment. The severity of the injury was still unknown, as was all that Bane had had to do in order to salvage her eye, but no longer did it hurt so badly as when he had been tending to it. Instead it throbbed, a consistent ache that continued strongly and stubbornly. Would it ever go away?

As the moss was placed against her injured eye, the russet and black she-wolf flinched and then stilled, the new pressure welcome compared to the rough cleaning that had been given a moment ago. With a final whimper Tahlia fell quiet, still biting the branch and trembling slightly though at last accepting her fate and no longer fighting. Was it done then? Had her eye been cleansed as well as it could be? It took her a moment to calm enough to think clearly, to think beyond the pain and herself, and without a word she pried her jaws off of the branch and let it fall away, working to steady her breathing as she listened and heard her daughter worry about another quake following the first. Please, she prayed wordlessly to anyone who could hear her, let us be safe now.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier