
Say Something


06-08-2014, 06:23 PM
Ritsuka was even more confused when Misha said that she joined Tortuga by herself. He would flick one ear, a soft sigh escaping him at the bit of sharpness in the femme?s voice. ?Misha... You did join Tortuga with another... There are multiple wolves who can confirm this... Not just myself.? He was trying to keep himself calm and level, to keep from making to situation worse than it already seemed to be. Misha didn?t remember Dayton, saying that she felt fine with a polite smile on her face. Inwardly Suka would groan, frustrations rising, though he would push them aside for the time.

?I see... Still... It might be a good idea to see a healer when we return. You seem to not recall being passed out, though you in fact were. That?s why I stopped here to try and help you.? He was frowning deeply, emerald green eyes shining with a bit of worry. ?We should head back now then... If you want to come along that is.? Honestly Ritsuka wasn?t sure what to expect from Misha at this point, though he hoped that she would at least return to Tortuga and they could figure things out.
