
Never Thought I'd See You Again


06-08-2014, 06:32 PM
Lotus had finally arrived in Alactritia, but she still had no idea where she was. ?Kyda where are you?...? She had walked for many days and was crossing grassy plains when she caught a scent on the wind. As her mouth began to water and her stomach growled she quickly hurried to follow the scent. Finally she found a herd of Buffalo. Lotus heart dropped as she saw these large animals. Lotus hated violence in any way and her old pack had always brought her meat so she wouldn?t have to hunt.

She was completely at a loss to what to do as she knew she had to eat soon. Lotus kept her head down and began to slowly circle the herd. Finally as luck would have it she saw one that was already laying on the ground dead. Lotus hurried over to it when she was another wolf eating. She was hungry but didn?t want to approach a wolf that was feeding. That?s when she noticed the white tip on the wolfs tail with the black band just above the tip. ?K-kyda? Is that you?...?