



5 Years
06-08-2014, 09:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 10:29 PM by Selyan.)

Selyan had been huddled up in the pits around Kennocha Lake for a few days now; the snow had fallen hard in the upper mountains of which he?d descended from. It was more peaceful here, the snow was soft and laid in fluffy sheets on the damp ground. Around Kennocha, though, snow wasn?t falling due to the water?s heat rippling across the banks in tangible waves. It was a refreshing temperature and the chill felt blissful on the white wolf?s face. He was laid cross-ways along the bank of the lake. It was approaching dusk, so Selyan knew he should be packing in for sleep soon, but he felt so? content here at the edge of the reflecting pool. He could see the dull sun on the horizon?s edge just feet in front of him and he stared. He stared at the lake?s surface, paling the beauty of the bright orb. It made him think. No wolf was able to ever view the true beauty of the sun, that great mysterious rock that gives them all life. But here, in the water, he could see into a glimpse of it and it made him feel lower.

I?m just a lowly being. I blanch in the presence of the elements.

Kennocha, he?d learned the name from a wolf in the mountain, gave him power. And although it didn?t make him feel powerful, it made him feel humbled. Selyan bowed his head, closing his golden eyes against the growingly shadowed water. When he opened them once more, after a short semi-prayer to whatever high being that he barely believed in, he took a moment to recognize himself. He didn?t look too hot. His eyes seemed hollow and there wasn?t much life within their deep yellow. He stood, raising his head slowly up to meet the tip of a rising moon above the forest?s edge.

table made by jeanelle
Ryan White