
you cannibal, you meat eater


06-08-2014, 10:47 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 11:11 PM by Myst.)

Her wings flapped with such a flurry. Her feathers flared in urgency. A feeling of doom swarmed around her body in a rage. Her legs urged to move, to touch the ground but she was indeed soaring within the sky. Her tail flowed as she flew through the sky but suddenly her dark grey wings ceased their their flapping suddenly. The Little Bird began to plummet down to the hell below. A darkness surrounded her, she could not look down. Yet, she knew she was close to the earth. Suddenly, it all stopped.~~
The Little Bird woke up in a flurry of shudders and panting. the woman was sweating and drooling all over. The sleep ridden eyes fluttered to clarity, washing away the remaining sleepiness haze from their sights. Her eyes skipped about rapidly in search for wings or darkness but all she found was moss, pools and caves, right where she fell asleep. Myst got up slowly and looked around with a grimace. Her emerald eyes slipped across the lovely caverns she resided in. As her legs helped her up she moved over to one of the various pools. The girl looked down at her very own reflection, illuminated by the skylight above, Myst stared into her eyes, unblinking for a few moments. What she saw was not a Wolf, but a broken soul. The Little Bird moved from the pool and sauntered away with her head low, as she normally did. The girl was a tortured fae. Her mind was ridden of memories of happiness that not longer satisfied her. The Black family was separated, yet she hoped to one day reunite with some. Though, they would bring forth memories that would likely bring the femme to a loss. Though, for now the Little Dove would slowly slither through The Deluge with a gentle frown upon her haunted lips.
