
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
06-09-2014, 01:06 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 12:37 AM by Bane.)
Tahlia came in right after him, Bane watching her wade into the lazy current along the shore. He brought himself back up the beach until it was just his ankles being submerged. Tahlia dunked herself, the rogue male standing still as he watched her damp pelt fur plaster itself against her body. She remaminced about Seracia's lake the times she swam in it, also adding after a moment if they were ok to return to their den. He was only half listening, Bane's breathing rapidly turning ragged as a thin whine was voiced. He didn't really give her a chance to answer as he sloshed up to his mate and planted a kiss against her cheek.

"You think we'd get away with what we spent all morning doing in that pack?" Bane gasped against an ear. The tip of his muzzle nuzzling against her neck, tongue trailing over her fang wounds as he traced along her spine. Bane traced his chin down her tail and grabbed the appendage with a stimulating growl. The rogue rose up to grip her hips in a sloshing of water, her tail being let go of as it was pressed between their two bodies. Bane liked the way the water flowed around his shuffling hind legs as he brought himself against her. The way the smoothed fur of Tahlia's damp rump and back became disheveled as he worked her over to await the next time they could be together intimately.

The flowing river matching the passion the two wolves shared during the act, feeling the way her sides expanded with a very pleased grin as his jaws loosened from around her neck scruff when their bodies freed up. The male slide off to the side and looked upstream where their den's beach was visible just around the river bend, certain no eyes having witness this act of passion. Bane sipped up some water and let it all drizzle over Tahlia's neck scruff, a sigh being breathed against her cheek. "We... we really should be getting back." The pale wolf rubbed the top of his head against her shoulder and closed his eye.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•