
Without a soul (LISTE)


06-09-2014, 03:18 PM

In the east the demon found herself, wondering what had become of her former home. Ludicael had been part of the light that had shown through her darkness in her early days. She had found magic and happiness there, things she never dreamed of, not to mention the love. She had a pack - a family - and a wonderful mate. She wanted nothing but to please them. What had changed her so much? Even after suffering abuse at the paws of her father, Liste had wanted to come back to her beautiful life, but it was nowhere to be found.

Today she had smelled only unfamiliar marks at the border and been reminded why she had been plunged further into the darkness. When Liste had come to her home and called for someone at the borders, no one had come. She searched high and low for the mate that had disappeared. Her anchors were gone, replaced by strange and unfeeling things. Her options had been only two - to continue living and harden herself against loneliness, or to die. But when she had convinced herself death was the proper choice she was met with it and her body fought against her mind. Liste wanted to live more than she was willing to admit but she could never be herself again.

Her journey to the borders of her former home had caused her anger to begin simmering and she wanted nothing more than to plant her teeth in something. She found her target in the woods, a sulking brute, and wasted no time in striking. Liste leapt from within the brush in the hopes of pinning him down for her to have her wicked way. What that would entail, she wasn't quite certain yet.

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