
The Secret Side Of Me


06-09-2014, 03:36 PM

Rakshra felt the dampness in her coat as she dragged and tapped her paw on the hard earth terrain, trying to knock out clumps of dirt between her toes. To Rakshra, clumps of anything between her toes were probably one of the most irritating feelings out there, if not the most. She remembered when she was a pup, and she used to whine until someone would clear the clumps out from between her toes. She laughed in her head about that now.

Standing up, Rakshra shook some of the dampness out of her fur, being careful not to direct the stray drops that flew out of her coat at anyone though. Her stomach growled again, which caused her to sit back down in frustration. Hopefully this meeting would not last long, although she knew they could. She remembered when she past joined Glaciem, when the old alpha still led, that a meeting could run all night if it must. But Rakshra understood this. If you want a strong pack that could win a war if needed or desired, you would have to pick the wolves allowed to join wisely.

Rakshra's ears flicked forward when Apocalypse spoke, although she didn't pay much attention or give much thought to his words. She focused her nearly full attention on the stranger wolf who approached them. Although clearly sick from the epidemic, she didn't look that weak. She could probably still handle herself quite well, even with the sickness.

"Very well, why should I accept you into my pack?" the stranger wolf spoke. A light bulb went off in Rakshra's head. So this wolf WAS the leader of Arcanum. Rakshra wasn't sure at first, but now she was certain. Rakshra preferred to meet the leader of a pack first, rather than border patrol or betas. Because this way, you could learn better about the pack and make sure you weren't making a huge mistake joining. Although, Rakshra knew an alpha could quickly turn on you, and that was something you most definitely did not want.

"Well, I can't tell you I'm better than other wolves, because everyone has positives to them. But right now with the epidemic, finding two healthy wolves who wish to join can't be much of a bad thing. We'd also add to your pack, and large packs are normally better than small ones. More hunters to find food, more warriors to defend, more wolves if someone chooses to start war. It's really up to you, though. I don't know what else to add." Rakshra said before slightly bowing her head again. She waiting for a response as she studied the wolf's facial expression.
