
Runaway Girl


06-09-2014, 06:02 PM

The woman ventured away from her home, there was much to think about, much to do. Creamy limbs carried her far and wide She paid little attention to where she was going, absorbed in her own thoughts. It wasn't until a soft chuckle breached her russet audits that the woman would take note of her surroundings. She had gotten far. Her gaze would tip up towards a boulder that was several feet in front of her. Resting onto of the boulder was a small fae, tiny compared to herself. Verdant gaze would peer up at the woman for a moment, simply watching her. "Hello." Soft words would drift towards the fae, russet plume swaying lightly behind her. Tattered audits stood at attention, her posture friendly and open. She didn't want to frighten the stranger. Creeping closer, the woman wouldn't stop until she stood beside the stranger, craning her neck to look to the top of the boulder. "I'm Sibelle." She wasn't sure whether or not to introduce herself as part of Covari anymore, things had changed drastically for her in the past few days, but it was all for the better, that much she was sure of.

At the back of her mind, she thought back to her family. She had asked Maija to bring the kids and herself to Covari, to leave the island behind them. Taurig was gone, forever presumably. But she was building a life for herself here. She had met Archaic, and had taken a liking to the earthen toned brute. That plague still tormented the lands, and now there had been a fatality, which had sent Vi into turmoil, the Queen was panicked, but now they had a partial cure. Hopefully it would all be done with soon. Despite the chaos that seemed to run her life, the woman's attention was on the small fae resting on the rock in front of her, curious about this newcomer.

"Talk" "You" Think