
April 2013 OTM Nominations!


04-26-2013, 12:58 PM
Just so everybody knows... I absolutely hate writing these things, cause I hate being accused of picking favorites so if anybody gives me crap this will be my last OTM nomination thingy ever xD

Wolf 1: Neo- Cause I secretly love him and hes based off of Jon Snow and hes hot as hell
Wolf 2: Chronos- Because hes the sweetest most amazing male ever and hes Blu's best friend <333
Wolf 3: Erani- She stood up and fought for what she believed in, even if she back peddaled and retracted her statements later.

OOC-Most likely to...
Have the best art: Feny (SHE DRAWS ALL DA PUPPEHS)
Make the most unique art: Feny (SHE DRAWS ALL DA PUPPEHS)
Write the longest post: Dark
Post more than ten times in a day: Andy
Teach someone something:Briena
Greet a new person: Lutara
Be a great staff member: Dione
Be the funniest person: Roamer

IC- Most likely to...
betray someone: Neo
be the cutest couple: EpiphronxMaverick
slap someone: Newt xD
rise in ranks: Chronos
become an alpha: Maverick? Idek
survive a deathmatch: Kaios
fall ill: Soleil
save the day:
have children:
cheat : Aislyn
get a mate:
take over the world:
teach someone something:
win a war: Collision
be a friend: Erani
get stolen by another pack: