
New Home (Frosts)

Loki 1


6 Years
06-09-2014, 07:43 PM
OOC: Set before Thor and Baldur come back with the other Hroovy pups.

Finally coming to a halt, Loki surveyed the new home Thor and Baldur had spoken of before they left with a certain amount of... skepticism. He sure hoped that the land was better in the warm months, because beneath the cover of snow it certainly didn't look like much. He guessed he'd just have to learn to trust their judgement, if they were going to make this living-together thing work. He certainly had his doubts about that but at this point he was willing to try anything to keep his children with him. Seeing his daughter with that Valhallan pup - a pup that had looked startlingly, nightmarishly like the female he had horrifically, stupidly attacked, had raped, a pup that had rather bright green eyes... - had galvanized him to escape the grasp of Valhalla before something more happened. He would not leave his pups parentless, no matter that they had their uncles to look after them. He would be there to raise them, to give them the sort of life they deserved to have, not rotting in a ditch somewhere because he'd made a stupid mistake and then stuck around to be killed in punishment for it.

Casting acid green eyes around at the weary group of pups trailing around him, he had a new worry though. Had it really been any smarter to drag such young children on such a long journey in the middle of winter? Aksel was better than ever, but Acadia hadn't been looking so good the last few days and he was worried. He'd taken it slow, but...

"Here we are, guys," he spoke up with forced cheer, unobtrusively tucking the shivering Acadia closer to him. "Home sweet home. Uncle Thor and Uncle Baldur should be around a bit later once we've set everything up nicely, then we can be just a big happy family, right?"

He really hoped so anyway...
