
End of the Dream


06-09-2014, 09:10 PM

Awaken's eyes stayed infront of him the whole time he walked. His coat seemed ragged at he was so much thinner than he was in his prime, he hadn't eaten a thing in weeks. He would occasionaly stumble in the grass from his malnutrition-iduced dizziness. He dripped blood from a gash in his head, from the back of one ear to the front of the other. He was driven on by what he thught he heard, but in reality the air was blank.?

He just kept chasing the dream. The dream that kept him from death. The dream of Normalcy. The dream of Gargoyle. Sadly he was reaching the end of the dream. It was like a dead end road, a road with the end sawn off into a deep abyss of blackness. Blackness that could tear him life from limb. He was running tward a nightmare of pure hell.?

His paws in reality werent even beneath him anymore. He could no longer walk, his sides were moving with his breath. He could hear a crackling in his head, as if it was on the inside of his skull. He swore he heard Gargoyle's voice. 'carry on'. He snorted and heaved himself from the sleep that was trying to claim his life. He got up and continued walking, in wich direction was a mystery, but his senses were reeling. He couldnt focus. His gash was bleeding down his muzzle and ears. He didnt even know he'd crossed a boarder, his eyes were dialated and taking in too much light. He was flying blind, literaly. All he could see was mvement, he'd snap at the slightest movement.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)