


04-26-2013, 02:18 PM

The Dame fell unconscious before her eyes, It was time to get in to top gear. Segolia dumped out her herb bag and begun to pull out several herbs. Picking up the herbs she laid in front of the dame, Segolia prided open the female's mouth and force fed her the herbs. Her ears perked up as the male said that she had a mental illness. Segolia looked at him "That explains as to why i did not find anything physically wrong with her. The spasms are caused from her mind. This changes my approach. She switched out the herbs from red and green to a purple and blue colored ones."I need you to stand close top her and if she wakes up keep her still i need to feed her several herbs."

Segolia smashed up several herbs, her body was working in a fast but in a professional manor. She mixed up several different herbs. Segolia picked them up and begun to force feed it to Ghost. "These herbs are to help ease up her mental illness, it won't fully remove it, but it will make it like it is faded in the background. It is to help her manage it some more." She spoke as she continued to feed the herbs to the dame. She had treated the female due to her findings, and what the male had told her. Now all that is left is to keep an eye on her. Segolia turned to Segar We need to get her to the healers den, i can do more for her there."
