



06-10-2014, 03:56 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 06:23 PM by Raw.)
PUP NAME: Crush Armada
APPEARANCE: The beast will stand at 41" in height and weight will be approximately 200 pounds; bulky with muscle, and enough fat to keep him lithe and in healthy shape. Body will be corded with steeled muscled beneath an alluring pelt of pristine ivory white overlaid with slate cobalt blue stripes. He takes after both mother and father in appearance, for he has stolen his mother's purity of a white pelt, and yet has also taken from his fathers side the intricately woven stripes of an exotic creature. The color of the stripes derives from Roman's side of the family, the famed cobalt blue that seems to favor the Armada line. Tail always remains high above his back, for he fears nothing. Never will he slink or cower before someone, for he demands respect wherever he walks. His eyes may often deceive, for although they portray a kind nature, this act is false. Behind the dual toned windows of green flecked with purple, he see's the world in a rather cold and dull light. For he is uninterested in what the world has to offer, for he intends to just take it and watch the crowd burn.
PERSONALITY: The Prince is one not to be trifled with, for if you cause him pain to he or his family, he will unleash the fury of Hell upon you. He takes from his father the desire for battle, and so will strike down those who desire to mock his lines. He is not entirely cold, but can become uncaring towards those who hold no interest to him. He is quiet, observant, calculating...eyes missing nothing yet his acts betray nothing either. He can act, and none see through his facade. For one moment he may act the paladin, if only to attain what he truly desires. Power. Will he take it from one of his own? No. For he is loyal to those of his bloodline, and yet he will stop at nothing to obtain what he desires. He is honor instilled, and will not resort to dirty tricks to win a fight, however, pit him in a battle of wits and you will find yourself becoming tongue-tied for a response. For his tongue is quick, and wit even quicker. Slip, and he will take advantage of the weak minded, and the weak of heart. It is unknown whether he will remain committed to just one female should the time arise, however, should the opportunity present itself to him, he might choose to take advantage of weak willed femmes and take control. He can be quite possessive, but not dangerously so. Fall on his bad side and you will have an enemy for eternity, for his does not forgive and he does not forget. He remembers faces, scents, and identities to a frightening degree, and will track you, hunt you, and will seek to brutally maim those who fall in the bad graces of him or his family. Loyalty is instilled within his bloodlines, and never would he betray his own family. He will follow them, though not blindly so, and will do what needs to be done to remain the superior
Alignment- Lawful Evil
The scent of an unknown would breach him. Someone had trespassed, and without permission he was sure. The beast moved forward, silently stalking the land like a tiger; ironic considering his pelt carried the same design, albeit in a rather abnormal and exotic color. Bright green eyes would seek out the form of the trespasser, the male pinpointing the path where the intruder had walked. Nostrils flared slightly, taking in the scent. Remembering it. He would press forth, stalking through the undergrowth in search of his potential prey. And surely enough, he would find the clumsy unfortunate slinking through his land. His home. A growl would rise within the pits of his vocals, eyes narrowing as his hackles rose. This fool did not understand the mistake he had just committed. And he would pay for it here and now. Without a moments thought, Crush would rip through the trees, a bark unlike any other ripped free of his maw as he rushed at the trespasser. The other wolf would turn, surprised as he leaped back in an attempt to put space between them, but the striped boy was a tank ready to collide, to break bones. Shoulder jutted forward, teeth seeking to grasp the face of the other beast. The other male nearly as large as himself would turn his head away, reaching for his leg. He would attain the grip, thus causing Crush to grow angrier before he would knock down the other male, the trespassers belly and throat exposed. Without hesitation, Crush would reach forward, taking the opportune moment to prove he was not to be trifled with. However bloodthirsty he might seem, he held a code. And those who simply trespassed, would learn never to do it again...

Teeth would meet flesh, the brutes tongue tasting blood as his maw crunched down with the brutality of a determined warrior. He would not relent in his hold, the pulse of the other beast waning as he continued to pressurize his bite. Slowly, little by little, the others hold upon his leg would grow weaker until it released. Blood would pour into the mouth of the striped creature, and he would revel in the acrid taste of the metallic liquid. He was reluctant to let go, but alas he would. He would let go of his prey, blood staining the pelt of the other as well as his own figure. Crimson stained tongue would lick at his own maw, neon green eyes staring at the fallen foe. "Perhaps next time, you'll think about not trespassing." A cold laugh would rise from stained jowls, too late for this one. Perhaps the next would one learn. Without much effort, the boy would grasp the carcass by the throat, only to drag it beyond the borders as a gift; a glimpse at what would happen to trespassers. He dropped it there, blood oozing onto the ground. Crush would smirk and scoff, then turning away to find a creek to wash off in...not that he cared. He wanted his enemies to see him, to fear him.