

Loki 1


6 Years
06-10-2014, 07:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 08:35 AM by Loki 1.)

PUP DESIGN: #2 but with light, light green eyes, like a light mint color

APPEARANCE: Standing at a more than respectable 42" height and weighing a sturdy 200+lbs as an adult, Bj?rn will be huge and likely to draw attention no matter the less than flashy nature of his coloring or his personality. As a pup he will tend toward the more than a little chubby side, aided in part by the soft, feather like nature of his fur, taking after his mother's coat in that regard. As he hits a big growth spurt however the extra pounds will seem to melt away, until as an adult the massive wolf will be almost pure muscle with very little fat reserves. Bj?rn's base color is that of a pure white from guard hairs to undercoat and will always remain as soft as bird down. Marring it like the markings of a tabby cat from muzzle to tail are stripes of a pale gray, just dark enough to stand out against the white. His eyes are a pale, mint green - but from the moment they first open they are slightly clouded by a film that restricts his vision, and his first foray into the world outside of the den will reveal a severe light sensitivity that will lead to painful, watery eyes and massive headaches. Over time the cloudiness and vision problems will improve until as an adult he is only mildly nearsighted, though the photo-sensitivity will plague him his whole life in a slightly milder form.

PERSONALITY: Raised the child of a leader, despite the disabilities caused by the plague his mother carried when she became pregnant he has no lack of self-confidence. But his arrogance is quiet, not flaunted about. He simply expects that he will get his way because he is right and acts accordingly, often simply ignoring rules and social boundaries to do so.

Solitary by nature, he has a hard time bringing himself to actually trust others because he is easily hurt and strives to avoid the close bonds that could bring that pain. However once his word is given he will never deliberately break that, and if misfortune makes it so he cannot do as he said, his own odd code of honor will force him to make whatever reparations he can to fix it.

He strives to always do what he believes to be right, but what is right to him is not always moral or legal. He will not hesitate to break pack law to do what he feels he must, though he considers his loyalty to his close family and to Tortuga to be one of the most important things in his life.

He is far from emotionless and uncaring - this boy will struggle to contain his emotions his whole life, quick to anger and love alike his emotions tend to run almost painfully high - but he will never wear his heart on his sleeve, always striving but often failing to keep those emotions hidden completely from the eyes of the world for they are his alone and he wishes no one to know what he feels. He strives to show merely a calm, collected, polite front, but it is something he will always struggle with.

To those he cares about, he shows a sweetness of personality at odds with his usual behavior. Always serious about everything, he will nonetheless often do small things for people that comes across as... a little adorable. Leaving them gifts, making extra sure that they're comfortable, being the quiet protector... yet if someone were to bring it up it would simply embarrass him.



Bj?rn squinted into the brightness, trying to bring the fuzzy landscape better into focus despite the watering of his eyes and the pain in his head. His siblings were out playing, but as usual he was huddled miserably by himself as far in the shade as he could. He'd tried playing, but between his bad eyesight and his headache he usually ended up hurting someone, or himself. He didn't mean to, it just happened. Either he tripped over his own feet and tumbled into someone and squashed them or he ran into them and squashed them anyway. And if they played with a stick, sometimes he'd miss the stick when he tried to grab it and bite them instead, and then they'd be mad at him for the rest of the day. So, he just didn't play.

But there had to be something he could do, he was tired of sitting here. Rising to his feet, the chubby puppy waddled as quietly as he could deeper into the trees. What was he looking for? He didn't know, but the extensive shade of the redwoods eased the soreness in his eyes and head a little and without the constant watering of his eyes it was a little easier to see.

And then he saw it. The most beautifulest thing ever, just sitting there waiting for him. Drawing closer he could start to make it out a little better through the blurriness. It was a super beautiful flower, with lots of tiny little blue petals all over. He bet his mama would just love it. Reaching down he gripped the stem of the plant and pulled, nearly sitting down he was pulling so hard. Finally it gave way, and he did sit, with a thump. He'd inadvertently pulled up the whole plant, roots and all, but didn't notice in his triumph as he strutted back into the painful, wincy sunlight where his family was. "Maaaama," he called around a mouthful of plant. Mama was really really busy being the leader of Tortuga, so she wasn't always around, but she was today, and he pranced up to her, tail wagging nearly his whole fat body, to lay the somewhat mangled flower at her paws. "I gotted this for you," he said brightly, now that his mouth was clear. He stared up at her expectantly, tail still wagging his butt.