


06-10-2014, 08:04 AM

The howl that echoed over the lands of Arcanum was not her mother's, but it held the commanding strength of a ruler. With the death of her sister due to the plague heavy in Senka's thoughts, she reacted automatically, following three nose to its source only because of its strength. The apathetic creature want entirely sure how to mourn for Zaria. She hardly knew the wolf that her sister had become, and they had never been all that close anyways. There was no point in morning the dead - they were dead after all. But there was still a foreign emptiness in Senka's thoughts when she considered never conversing with her sister again.

The gray wolf came to a stop when she reached the russet female and her companion. The new ruler, it seemed. Senka inclined her head towards the two, coming to a stop before the russet female. Neither looked familiar, and Senka could only assume that they had become important after Senka left. Friends of her mother, perhaps? If they were stepping up to lead Arcanum, Senka was sure that her mother had chosen as carefully as possible. She would not have handed off hey oak to strangers, right? Of course, Senka had to face the fact that she didn't know her mother as well as she might have had she stayed around, and so could not properly predict her mother's decisions. Maybe her mother would surprise her yet.

Not bothering to raise her voice and speak to the strangers, Senka settled back on her haunches. She waited silently for the one that had summoned Arcanum's members to her to speak. No point in eating her time by doing questions that she was sure the russet female would answer.
