
New Home (Frosts)


06-10-2014, 08:29 AM

For most of the way, Hel had played at her father's paws, eager to get his attention in any ways possible. She had frolicked around, seemingly incessantly full of energy. Nothing could slow her down, not when she was on top of the world like this. Having her father's (mostly) undivided attention and getting to spend time with her siblings ensured that Hel was overjoyed -for most of the way anyways. And then she'd finally begin to tire out, lagging behind all but Ace. Even Aksel was ahead of her, and he'd been sick for so long.

Hel gave a gasp of relief when her father announced that they had reached their new home. She flopped down, sending a puff of snow up in the air. "The ground is comfy," Hel proclaimed solemnly, lifting her gray head to gaze at her father and siblings. She was almost jealous of Ace and Aksel's proximity to their father, but Hel want motivated enough to get up -she just wanted to rest her paws for a little while.

Still, despite her exhaustion, Hel managed to nod enthusiastically when her father mentioned being a happy family. " Right!" Hel enthused, tail thumping against the snow. She did like the thought of having a big family. maybe Cece could come too!