
I don't need pity..I need reassurance



06-10-2014, 02:57 PM

Time had flown by in a period of three days as Maija stood at the Covari borders. Her leaf green eyes were filled with silent curiosity, but her observations would soon be done with a hardened gaze. She knew better than to show her emotions on the surface, especially when she was by herself. Time had passed since she had seen Viridiana, and even then, she was not sure if the red-pelted fae was going to be the same as before.
The last time Maija had seen the female, it was when she had recently given birth to her litter of five. Vi had come for a visit with Taurig and had been able to see their children - and herself - before returning to the mainland. Now, it was Maija's turn to seek out company. The only one she could rely on for companionship was Sibelle, and she certainly hoped that her old companion would not turn her away.
Maija Artenie was not the kind of wolf to draw attention to herself. Instead, she was the one that usually remained in the background, beautiful and silent. The awkwardness of the upcoming situation was upon her and she had no choice but to force herself to make her presence known. She tossed back her head and choked out a low soprano howl. Short and quick, just like she had wanted it to go. Her haunches recoiled to the ground and she remained still as a statue, waiting.

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