
A girl worth fighting for


06-10-2014, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 03:47 PM by Awaken.)

Oh how fate loved Irony. Irony was a beautiful woman who loved to toy with Awaken's head. What had brought him here? A mere hunch. An Inkling that dwelled in his mind. He remembered nothing but sadness. His king lay, fallen in this cave. Him and.. someone else, working to heal him. He remembered what she looked like in scarcity, but not her name, nor her role. All he knew was she was everything to him.?

Her voice was soft, her heart was loving and she was perfect for him. He could remember everything beautiful about her... But her name... Or even her to begin with. Fate and Irony were like a married couple. Or more like a pair of old women. With nothing better to do than to bicker and gosip about what trickery they should play next.?

Awaken sat in the floor of the Cavern, watching the hours pass by his eyes. He'd come here, but why? What had tempted him? Perhaps he was just wondering again. Wondering into Oblivion. Perhaps that was all he could do, was wonder.?

Or he could act.

For all he knew there was a girl out there. A girl he knew at one point. A girl he longed to have again, and he wouldn't rest untill he found her again. He thought and thought for about another hour on how to track down a woman without a name to go off of. He then thought of it. He'd create a paradice for her, he'd tear down one vicious empire by taking down an Alpha, and build her a home. He'd lay every brick for her. Perhaps then she would come to him, and he wouldnt have to try to track her down, but she'd come to him.?

He had to fight for her.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)