
Things That Happen


06-10-2014, 04:38 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Her time had come. Ellis could feel her large belly bulging out, the pups shifting within with each contraction that shook her. Teal-green eyes flashed with a bit of worry... But she was hoping that all would be well. She was fairly sure that the litter wasn?t going to be a large one, but that was alright. She wasn?t sure what she was going to do with the children... Or even names for them. But she was pretty sure that Othello would be around soon, and that did give Ellis a bit of comfort. The other woman, dealing with pregnancy as she did, was a relief to the healer indeed. She was sure she could rely on Othello, especially should something go wrong today.

Which Ellis did worry that it might. She cringed a bit as a particularly bad contraction shook her, the woman closing her eyes as she lay against the bark of the hollowed out tree. With a bit of work she had helped Othello make it larger, large enough, hopefully, for the two women and their pups to lay within. It would certainly serve it?s purpose at least. Then it came, the first of her children, and the time that passed from that first delivery, to the second, and the clean up of her children, all seemed to flow without her fully aware of it all, as if she had fallen asleep and just allowed it to happen as she lay there, dazed.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.