
Bonded Through Time


06-10-2014, 04:40 PM

The gentle nuzzle made his heart lift some, though he still felt bad as she began to speak. She really, really didn?t want to be apart from him again. And he didn?t want to be apart from her either. He felt even worse, however, that she was so willing to go to one of the ally packs as long as it meant that she wouldn?t have to be apart from him. Clearly it meant that he meant a lot to her... And he could feel his own heart pressing him to show her that he felt the same about her.

He didn?t feel any more at ease however when she said she could take care of herself, giving a playful growl and got in a bowing stance. When she was a pup this action was simply seen as cute, and one that he didn?t mind seeing her do... But now it only made the older male wolf nervous. He really didn?t want anything to happen to her... But at the same time he wanted to feel that he could trust her. That he didn?t need to worry so much and follow her every move like he did when she was little.

Arwel would give a soft sigh as he looked back to her. ?We?ll figure this out together, Emily. For now, if you are truly sure you?ll be alright, I want you to stay close to this ravine. I?ll come visit you as well, as much as I possibly can. M-Maybe some room will open up in Valhalla... And if not... Well... I?ll go with you to the ally pack.? He would give a soft smile. ?We don?t want to be too far apart I guess, do we?? He said, hinting at the fact he guessed her feelings for him, and revealing some of his own for her.
