
Say Something


06-10-2014, 04:42 PM
Ritsuka would give a visible twitch as the she-wolf snapped at him. Her words were spoken through gritted teeth, a cruel tone within them. She honestly didn?t believe him? Then she was growling at him, calling him a liar and asking why he didn?t fix her himself. The brute would give a sigh, trying to keep his temper his temper in check and snap back at her. It was a bit frustrating, but he knew yelling at Misha back wouldn?t help her at all. He wasn?t sure how he was supposed to ?fix? her as she so put it when she didn?t even believe what he was telling her.

?If I knew how to help you Misha I would. I?m NOT lying to you, and any wolf in Tortuga would back me up that you joined with another wolf. Whether you are mates or not, well, that?s on you. But you came to the pack with another wolf and you were passed out here. Had you been just fine, not passed out, do you think I would have been so worried looking when you woke up? Or had dribbled water on your face until you did? I?m not a cruel wolf, Misha, and I don?t do crap like that for fun. I have no reason to lie to you, and I don?t appreciate you taking my concern and throwing it back in my face as if I?m lying to you about it. Can?t you just see that I want to make sure that you?re okay? That?s what packmates do. We look out for each other.? He would heave a big sigh as he finished talking, looking in the direction of Tortuga.

?If you are really sure that you are fine then I will believe you, Misha... Let?s just go home.?
