
sharing is caring


06-10-2014, 06:50 PM

ooc;; i apologize, every gets short posts since there are so many packs XD

Red woman was still angry, still frustrated and feeling like crap. But still. She had washed herself then gathered up what herbs they had left of the cure, which was actually more then enough for many, before setting off. She didn't even know where to start. But for some reason she headed north, long legs covering the distance in what felt like no time at al but in truth was probably more like a day. Late afternoon marked her arrival. Dainty paws sinking deeply into the snow as she grumped and grumbled the whole way. A lady never sloshed through the snow. But as she approached the boarder of the spindly pines she would slow, moving close to the boarder before dropping the large leaf she had bundled all the herbs in and moving to sit beside them. From there head would tip back, calling for the alpha or someone of high rank. Seemed not all alpha's were immune? Hopefully someone with enough post to bargain at least would show up.
