
you can only have more for yourself by giving


06-10-2014, 07:03 PM

ooc;; not sure who is in charge, would love if roman could come though :)

Funny how much Tortuga had changed through the years. Once she had been so blindly faithful to this pack, so ready to throw down her life for it and now what. It had moved, changed hands and though the name still remained the same what was the same? Absolutely nothing? She had been ready to fight and die for this pack but now as she sat at the boarders beside her little bundle of goodies she really felt nothing. Was that because she had moved on to a new family and a new pack or was that because Morphine and Nnoitra were no longer here? She couldn't tell. But it was time to move on, time to find new things. So head would tip back, calling for their alpha or whoever might be able to come and see her. She really didn't care as long as they were able to bargain a bit with her. She had done most of the leg work after all. Though in the pack of her mind she did recognize that Cat's information had from originally from Tortuga. Maybe she could cut them a break.
