
✘ open fire.


06-10-2014, 07:17 PM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



Her observations continued, her narrowed eyes boring into the beast while she evaluated every last inch of his being and every movement he made. He was stiff, yet seemed somewhat graceful all the same. She noticed the gold adornments that drew attention to a few points on his body, namely the loop that hung from his nose. He seemed to give it constant attention, whether conscious or not. Liste thought it a strange thing, knowing in was unnatural and failing to understand how any of those objects had come to adorn the creature.

Next to this brute, Liste's lean frame looked far smaller than it actually was. She settled back to a seated position, wrapping her tail around her maimed hind legs. She shivered slightly from the chill of the snow against her body. Her fur was thin, unlike this brute who seemed to have an endless supply to preserve his warmth.

A long silence passed between the two shadows before the brute spoke up again. She didn't like the way his eyes seemed to pierce her, she didn't like the way he spoke to her. A quiet cackle fell from her lips and she shook her head. "I am no dove. You should not refer to me as such, beast," the demoness growled, her sweet sounding voice not quite threatening nor welcoming. "And I am here because I want to be. Why are you?"

Being referred to under a pet name really got on the bitch's nerves. She might have to bite this one after all, but for now she would relax. Perhaps he would make himself more useful or entertaining before she snapped.