
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy


06-10-2014, 07:50 PM

She would laugh, a whimsical sound as she shook her head, leaning back into a more upright position. A slip of arrogance graced his tones before he settled into thought. Brows would lift in surprise, she was caught off guard by his response. He sounded so...bitter. But he did have a point, some packs could be that way. "They aren't all bad, ya know." A smile played on her creamy limbs as she shrugged, thinking back to her home in Covari. Vi wasn't so bad, the russet beauty had taken a liking to the Queen. His voice would shake her from her thoughts as he was questioning where she came from. "I originally grew up in a land far away from here. But I now reside in Covari, a pack in the south, they are't quite so bad. Perhaps you should check them out sometime." She would throw a smile his way, desiring still clawing at her belly, demanding to be satisfied. Damn winter. Her perfume swirled around her like a thick cloud, there was no avoiding it. Her flesh was hot with need that shone in liquid gems. The softest of breezes rustled her pelt teasing her flesh. Her thumped idly against the earth rhythmically, though serving no purpose other than to keep her mind of the desire that had a choke hold on her. "Where are you from?" She hoped to keep the conversation flowing, she rather enjoyed his company and wasn't yet willing to depart from his presence.

"Talk" "You" Think