
Lets make nice


06-10-2014, 08:20 PM

She had been crowned Queen and now it was time to start fulfilling her duties. First, she needed to establish alliances, and where the last Queen stood with each pack. The russet beauty would travel far north to begin with, then she would travel back home, stopping at backs along the way. Her first stop was, begrudgingly Glaciem. Her father had been far too quiet for far to long. Part of her hoped he was dead or long gone at least. She would slowly approach the border, her steps slow and reluctant. The Queen would stand there silently for a moment before tipping her head back, letting out a call for the current leader of the pack. If it was her father then she planned to leave before he could even utter a word. It would make her anxious standing there, waiting, not knowing who was the current leader of Glaciem, or who would greet her. Outwardly, her demeanor would not change, she would stand tall, her expression neutral, tail curling at her hocks. Tattered ears stood at attention, listening for the sounds of an approach.

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