
Lets make nice


06-10-2014, 08:34 PM

Pandora was not really interested in politics, especially those that involved serious atmospheres. She didn't want to become one of those wolves who ended up with boring lives, living in a pack until her old days, where she would curl up one morning and not wake up. Such thoughts of her future were simply dreadful and she didn't want any part of it! Her life was going to be filled with surprises, love affairs, and tender moments between her and other wolves that wouldn't dare to be mentioned by those involved. She wanted to paint the world different colors and leave her markings while doing so.
However, she had a long way to go until she could reach such high heights. Instead, she decided to tag along with Sibelle as she trekked up to the borders of Glaciem. Apparently, Sibelle was the new Queen and with that title came responsibilities. It was not a nice thought, but the power was enough to sustain Pandora's young appetite for desire. If she wanted to learn from the best (aside from Maija), then she had to start somewhere. Even though it was a boring part of being a ruler, Pandora knew she had to know a little bit.
So, her aunt proceeded to make the announcement of her presence to the Glaciem clan. They were not aware of who was in charge, so with silent apprehension, Pandora stood beside Sibelle's left hind leg. She mimicked her mother's famous stony glare, but despite trying so hard, the lovely eyes she had received from her father gave away most of her bored thoughts. The part of not knowing the ruler of Glaciem, however, was exciting, so with soft tones etched in her mind for the moment, Pandora asked, "Auntie, what makes Glaciem so...powerful?" Perhaps this moment was not the best one to ask such a serious thing.

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