
Just saying hi


06-10-2014, 08:51 PM

It was growing tiresome, all the traveling she was doing. But it needed to be done. After this pack, there would only be two left, but she planned on taking a break before going to those packs. For now she travel to another unknown pack. Creamy limbs carried her to the border silently, her crown lifted high, tail swaying at her hocks. The strong odor of pack assaulted her nostrils, bringing her to a halt at the border. Both Maija and Pandora had taken to traveling from pack to pack with her, keeping her company, which was nice, it gave them all time to bond. It also gave the Queen a chance to teach Pandora about the politics of power. Her crown would tip back, a call echoing across the land as she asked for the presence of the Alpha. She would once against take a seat, tail curling around herself as she settled into wait for the ruler. Her gaze swept across the land, ears listening carefully for the sound of an approaching wolf. She was quite pleased with herself and all she had learned about each of the packs she and visited, so far she was making excellent strides in her leadership.

"Talk" "You" Think